wildwasser Kajak

Erste Hilfe - Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar

Bei der Teilnahme an alle Kajak Kurs benötigen Sie einen Kleine Erste Hilfe Ausrüstung (wasserdicht verpackt). Für Swiftwaterrescue Kurse stellen wir Erste Hilfe Ausrüstung zur Verfügung. Rafting muß jeden Boot ein Erste Hilfe Box mitführen.

In a small group if every boater has a small first aid kit in their boat then all together you will have a pretty big first aid kit. This also has the advantage that if you loose one boat you still have some first aid equipment.

On some rivers with easy road access I find it an acceptable practice to use canoe tape to fix injuries. As canoe tape can fix 90% of all kayak injuries that you need to mess with, this can effectively be your first aid kit on easy playboating runs.

On a wilderness river a big roll of canoe tape as a repair kit and a comprehensive first aid kit including medications which might be needed should be carried. Of course somebody on the trip should also be trained to at least Wilderness 1st Responder level in order to be able to treat people in an emergency.